personal trainers survey

Exercisers Prize Personal Trainers

by Karen Ashley

Personal trainers are playing a large role in Americans’ exercise routines, a new survey shows.

The survey of 300 people in the United States who work out at least three times a week found that 43 percent have used the services of a personal trainer.

Among the other findings:

  • 83 percent of people who have used a personal trainer were satisfied with the results.
  • 35 percent said experience is the most important factor they considered in choosing a trainer.
  • 27 percent said personality or likeability were the most important factors in choosing a personal trainer
  • 26 percent said cost is the most important factor they considered in choosing a trainer.
  • 68 percent of those who had not used a personal trainer in the past believed that working with a personal trainer would help them reach their fitness goals.

The study asked respondents what they thought was the education level of the average personal trainer.

  • 61 percent of those surveyed believed that the average personal trainer has less than a college degree.
  • 15 percent believed that the average education level was high school
  • 46 percent believed that the average personal trainer had some college.

The study was conducted in April of 2015 by in order to understand how personal trainers are perceived in the marketplace by consumers who make fitness a part of their daily lives. You can view the entire survey by clicking here.

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