Tag Archives: featured

Beating Age-Related Muscle Loss

By Laird Harrison

Does it seem just a little bit harder to run, jump, swing a racquet and do all the other sporting things you used to do? It’s not just your imagination.

According to some estimates, we lose  an average of 1% of our strength every year after age 30. That accelerates after age 70.

So I was excited to read about a new study published last week on nutritional supplements that could stop this process. Continue reading Beating Age-Related Muscle Loss

How Sleep Affects Athletic Performance

By Laird Harrison

During a week of canoeing in the Boundary Waters of Minnesota, something odd happened. I had only a thin inflatable pad between me and the rocks and roots. My mosquito bites itched. And some of my companions snored.

But getting away from the hum and glow of civilization relaxed me so much that I slept better than in my comfortable bed at home. In the mornings, I was ready to paddle a canoe and haul it on long portages.

It turns out I’m not alone. One new study out in the past week shows that access to nature improves sleep (at least for men.)  Another shows that people who sleep more get fewer colds.

And yes,  sleep improves athletic performance, but not in the way you might think. Continue reading How Sleep Affects Athletic Performance