I’ve come a long way since I got a treadmill desk a year ago: Maybe 250 miles while working at my computer.
I‘ve burned about 25,000 calories, lost about an inch around the waist and dropped eight pounds. In the process, I’ve learned a lot about how to use a treadmill desk. Continue reading How to Use a Treadmill Desk→
Mike Esco learned the hard way what “readiness” means for an athlete.
A bodybuilder, Esco was making a transition to power lifting and wanted to compete. Feeling confident one day, he hit the gym so hard that he badly injured his back. The experience launched him on quest for an objective test that can predict how well an apparently healthy athlete will perform on a given day.
Should you exercise with a cold? If you work out regularly, you’re bound to run up against this question sooner or later.
On one hand, everyone knows that you’re supposed to rest when you’re sick. On the other hand, some colds drag out for a week or more. Refraining from exercise all that time can mean lost fitness. Or it could force you to miss an important competition.
Without even knowing it, you could have a sports brain injury.
The death of Kosta Karageorge has once again focused attention on concussions in U.S. football. And it should. But just because you don’t play football, or haven’t had a concussion, doesn’t mean you’re safe.
It’s possible. But the latest research suggests the fastest ultra-marathon runners will be male for the foreseeable future.
Since at least the 1970’s, I can remember hearing that women’s bodies are more adapted to endurance. The theory was that women evolved to endure the demands of bearing children for nine months, while men evolved for bursts of strength and speed required for hunting for a few hours. Or something like that. Continue reading Are Women Better at Endurance Sports?→
Which supplements actually work? Bombarded by reports of new research along with marketing hype, even the best healthcare professionals struggle with that question.
Consider the offer I got through Twitter last month: a new supplement that could dramatically enhance my strength and energy. How could an aging athlete resist? Continue reading Which Supplements Actually Work→
Amateur basketball players get hurt frequently. Photo by Anthony Langley. Some rights reserved.
When University of Connecticut star Ryan Boatright rolled his ankle Sunday, he was treading on a well-worn trail. About 600,000 basketball players get hurt so badly they end up in U.S. emergency rooms each year. That’s more than any other sport.
But a close look at how basketball players get hurt shows that many of the injuries could be avoided.
Nicole Crane celebrated Thanksgiving last year with beach yoga. All rights reserved.
Trying to stay fit during the holidays can feel like running an obstacle course. You neatly sidestep Aunt Jane’s artichoke dip, only to face Cousin Joe’s “special” eggnog. You summon the will power not to eat brie, then find yourself seated at a plate full of mashed potatoes and gravy. You’re away from your gym, your running buddies, your Saturday morning pickup basketball game.